My Animal Manager - HELP - My Animal Manager - Production & Products Login

Help - My Main Animals - Production & Products


The "Production" screen is for viewing and recording the production of an animal's products including milk, eggs, meat, etc... Production is recorded by animal type or it can be for an individual animal. This is not where production income is recorded. Production income is recorded in the "Financial - Income" entry area. Normally, this will be used to record production counts of eggs, dairy, meat and other animal products. Entries can be recorded daily, but it is much easier to record the total usage weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. The recommended method is to record usage in the system on the 15th and last day of each month by totaling the manual production charts for eggs, milk, etc...

Select & Download the free custom feed usage, production and other forms for use in the barn, coop, or pen.

SCREEN SHOT help-production screen

Adding and Editing Data

To add a new production item click on "+ Add New", to edit click on "Edit".

SCREEN SHOT help-myanimals add edit button

The production entry screen will display.

SCREEN SHOT help-production add edit screen

Production items are entered by animal type and can be entered for individual animals or as various animals. The example (above) records 20 ounces of milk for Lily's first milking. Large items or groups of animals for meat could be split by products or dates

Field Names and Descriptions

Field Description
Animal Type (Required entry) Select an animal type from the drop down list. Most common animals are listed. Select "Other" if the desired animal type is not listed.
Animal Name Enter the animal's name.
Production Date (Required entry) Select the date of production.
Description (Recommended entry) Enter descriptions such as weekly total, first milking, etc... The maximum length of this field is 60 characters.
Product Type (Required entry) Select the type of product: Milk, Eggs, Meat, Pelts, Other...
Qty (Required entry) Enter the quantity of the type specified in the "Quantity Type" field. In the example (above) 20 ounces are entered.
Qty Type (Required entry) Select the type of quantity measurement.
Notes Field length is unlimited. Use this area to record details which need a detailed explanation.


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